In the clear


Richard works the lake shore at Gopher Hole.


Today I used an 8’6 Edwards F-18 paired with a Hardy Uniqua spooled with a Type 3 sinking line.

Richard Hayashi and I met this morning at 6:30 to fish Gopher Hole, a local pond also known as Polio Pond due to the clandestine chemical machinations of some of its residents. The water has been extremely clear, and we hoped to get some action before sunrise. Unfortunately, the bass didn’t cooperate, although we saw huge bass rising and boiling. Richard observed that they may have been feeding on chironomids. I fished a black Woolly Bugger on a Type 3 sinking line at first, and then switched to a Muddler Minnow on a silk floating silk line. I may try some dry flies on my next visit. It will be a good opportunity to fish the silk line, which I first used today. It’s drying on a line winder now.

DCIM100MEDIAWe agreed to fish Lake Murray tomorrow. It was slow the last time I was there, though I did catch a brutish 14-incher hell-bent on smashing my L.L. Bean “Bean’s LL” bamboo 6-weight. Tomorrow I’ll pack a 9′ Granger 9053 with a 7-weight sink line. It weighs more than five ounces, but has a lot of backbone. It horsed in my biggest bass, seen above, during a recent foray to Gopher Hole. One can always count on good memories to pull one through lean times.

13 thoughts on “In the clear

  1. Edwin, the fish I thought rising to the nymphs were small bass or bluegills as they were bulging but not breaking water, a small school of fish at once. The bigger fishing were leaving trash can lid size rings. Not at sure what the bass were smacking, but they were feeding, though it was very sporadic.

  2. Hi Edwin, This is Ken we met again at Strouds last week. I wanted to take you up on your offer to go out in Glorietta Bay. I dont have all the equipment but I was actually thinking I may be able to go out on a surfboard instead. I’ve got all the Equipment for that and I’ve seen people out boardfishing the bay in the past. Any thoughts? You can reach me at Thanks!

  3. Edwin! Sorry for lagging on responses. I’ve been on-call for work the last few weeks which pretty much tie me to the house. Are you up for meeting up anytime this week?

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